Friday, July 3, 2015

Whoa, we're halfway there! Whoa, livin' on a prayer!

It's official. I'm halfway through this crazy adventure in Nepal. In some ways it seems like just yesterday I hopped off a plane- tired, confused and a tad grumpy to start my journey here. In other ways it feels like I've been here for months! I have learned so much about Nepal, myself and life and I thought the halfway point would be an excellent time to share some of my wisdom. 
** Keep in mind, some of these are more serious than others. :) 
  1. Always pack toilet paper when traveling to a foreign country.
  2. And Kleenex. 
  3. I have an extremely blessed life. And it's nice to be reminded of that. 
  4. Children have hearts of gold, and imaginations as big as the sky- let them explore and be themselves, unapologetically. 
  5. Patience is something that is best learned in times of hardship. 
  6. Always bring your rain jacket, you never know when you'll get caught in a rain storm. 
  7. However, make sure you dance in rain... It makes life more fun!
  8. Don't forget to breathe. 
  9. Live your life day-by-day, that's all one can do. You can't predict or control the future. 
  10. Don't apologize for your emotions, but don't let them dictate your life. 
  11. God will challenge you, let him, it only strengthens you spiritually. 
  12. Eat more rice- it helps the digestive system and makes you feel fuller than other foods. (Plus you don't have much of a choice when you're in Nepal, ha!)
  13. Don't take the little things for granted, you'll miss them more than you think. 
  14. You're never too old to call your mommy. 
  15. It will become clear who your true friends are, when they still make the effort to talk to you even when you're 10 hours and 45 minutes ahead of their time zone. 
  16. Pray often and honestly. 
  17. I have the best support system ever. Thanks for the prayers guys! 
  18. There's no place like home. 
  19. But try to make a home wherever the wind takes you. 
  20. Dare to make a difference. Dare to see the good in people. Dare to see the good in you. 
This is just a snippet of all I've learned, but definitely some of the more important lessons that have become clear to me. I'm sure this next month will fly by, and sooner than I know it I'll be back in the United States, and headed off to my junior year of college (wow that sounds weird). But for now I'm living day-by-day, praying often and having the time of my life here in Nepal. 
It's paying off in more ways than one that's for sure.