Thursday, June 18, 2015

We Are More Than Conquerors

It is so incredibly amazing to me all of the love and support that I've gotten from friends and family during this journey. I am reminded everyday of God's unending mercies and wonders in this world, and completely overwhelmed by the fact that he has blessed me so infinitely. I've had so many encouraging words and reminders from friends and family during this trip that have strengthened and comforted me during this trip and I am learning each day what is truly important. Especially for those of you who have contacted me, answered questions, given advice and just been there for me to talk to- you have no idea what a blessing that's been for me. So I wanted to take a moment to thank you for helping me "conquer" this amazing, yet difficult, journey that I'm on. 

One of my dear friends, sent me several songs to listen to during this trip- you should definitely check them out- to help remind me how truly great our God is. 
   1. The Earth is Yours- Gungor
   2. More Than Conquerors- Rend Collective
I would like to share the a few of the lyrics from this second song, because during this journey they have proven to be true, and have been extremely comforting to me. 
"When my hope and strength is gone 
You're the one who calls me on
You are the life
You are the fight 
That's in my soul
Oh, Your resurrection power
burns like fire in my heart
Up to Your throne
We are more than conquerors, through Christ
You have overcome this world, this life
We will not bow to sin or to shame
We are defiant in Your name
You are the fire that cannot be tamed
You are the power in our veins
Our Lord, Our God, Our Conqueror"

This week I was in the immunizations and family planning ward, which was extremely interesting. Tuesday and Thursday (today), are their busiest days-Vaccination Day, so I was able to help out by taking the patient charts, and logging the information (Surname, Mother's Name, Address, DOB, Immunization) in the Immunization log. It was something new to learn and experience- especially in my attempts to communicate with the families- most of whom didn't speak very much/well English. It was so fun to help out and be more involved, especially since I'm pre-med I can't legally do actual medical procedures, or care. Just basics that I've been certified or trained in (which isn't much at this stage of my education). 

Outside of work, I expanded by exploratory range, and discovered some new shops, neighborhoods and sites of Kathmandu. 

I am increasingly feeling more "at home", and less lost and afraid each day. All of which I owe to God, my family and friends- who have all been a crucial piece of this journey. It's crazy that as of tomorrow, I'll have been here two weeks already. This second week seemed to pass much more quickly then the first, always a good sign. I'm looking forward to my last day in immunizations, tomorrow, and whatever this coming weekend has in store for me. 

For now, I'll leave you with some pictures of this incredible journey that I am on.
Two boys playing- outside my window
Sunset 6.12.15
Sunset 6.12.15
Time in Physio-Therapy Ward- Neuro OPD day
From left to right: Me, Dr. Lily, Dr. Bina, Unknown

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, 
the Maker of heaven and earth. 
He will not let your foot slip-
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Isreal 
will neither slumber nor sleep. 
The Lord watches over you-
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, 
nor the moon by night. 
The Lord will keep you from all harm-
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over you coming and going
both now and forevermore."
-Psalm 121